Thursday, February 2, 2017

Smooth Sand Boa

Our Smooth Sand Boa

We have one Smooth Sand Boa. She is a female around 25 years old. Her name Quartz. We acquired her in the year 2000.

Smooth Sand Boa Size

A Smooth Sand Boa can get over 4 feet long. It is the largest of all Sand Boas.

Smooth Sand Boa Life Span

Sooth Sand Boas can live for more than 20 years in captivity.

Smooth Sand Boa Housing

In the wild they live in Iran, Pakistan, and India. Smooth Sand Boas like desert areas. In captivity they can be kept in small enclosures with a secure hide box and substrate they can burrow into.

Smooth Sand Boa Food

They eat rodents, mice, rats.  

Smooth Sand Boa Lighting & Temperature Requirements

90 degrees during the day, and 76-80 degrees at night.  Heat mats or basking lamps can be used, but it must be connected to a thermostat.

Smooth Sand Boa Substrate

Since the snakes need places to hide they like to burrow in aspen shavings or in clean sand.


Written by First Graders at Muffley Elementary School

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