Thursday, February 2, 2017

Naked Mole Rat

Our Naked Mole Rat

We have eight naked mole rats and they are all unnamed. We have three males and five females. We acquired them all from Dallas Zoo in 2014. The breeding of more naked mole rats has been unsuccessful because the mom will eat the babies. 

Naked Mole Rat Size

They are 3-13 inches long and weigh 1 oz. to 3.3 pounds which is about the size of a teacup.

Naked Mole Rat Life Span

They can live for 30 years in the zoo. It is unknown how long they can survive in the wild; however, they are the longest living rodent.

Naked Mole Rat Housing

They live in desert regions of East Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Samalia. They live in colonies together. There can be 20-300 individuals in one colony.

In captivity, their homes must be metal or glass because they can chew through anything else. A large aquarium or metal water trough can also be used to house these animals. PVC tubes can be used for a burrowing system.

Naked Mole Rat Food

They are herbivores. They will eat their own poop. They don't need water to drink because their food is already moist.


Written by First Graders at Muffley Elementary School

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