Thursday, February 9, 2017

Marine Toad

(Sometimes called the Cane Toad or Giant Toad)

Our Marine Toad

Meet Trevor, our only Marine Toad! No, he isn't in the military! Trevor is about 5 years old and came to us from another zoo.  

Our Marine Toad's Size

A Marine Toad can range in size from 4-8 inches, with females typically larger than males. Weight may also exceed 2 lbs.

Marine Toad's Life Span

Their captive lifespan is 12-20 years.

Marine Toad's Housing

As you can see, Trevor is in an aquarium, but a large, plastic bin could also work as an enclosure, as long as a screen is added to the lid to allow for ventilation. Normally, a Marine Toad can be found in a wide variety of tropical habitats, usually near a source of water. They are native to the extreme southern United States, Central and South America and have been carelessly introduced into Australia, Hawaii, Philippines, Puerto Rico, and South Florida.

Marine Toad's Food

Marine Toads feed on a variety of small animals including crickets, mealworms, earthworms, lizards, small mammals, reptiles, birds, and on rare occasions, plant matter and carrion.

Marine Toad's Lighting & Temperature Requirements

Temperatures should be in the mid to upper 70's (degree Fahrenheit). Higher temperatures could cause the animal to become stressed and should be avoided.

Marine Toad's Substrate

Damp paper towels provide a suitable substrate. 2-4 inches of peat moss, however, would be ideal. The substrate should be changed at least every other week so the toad remains bacteria-free. A large water bowl will also be necessary to be sure the Marine Toad stays hydrated.

Reptiles Magazine

Written by Mrs. Harris' Fourth Grade Class

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