Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Asian Forest Scorpions

Our Asian Forest Scorpions

Scovill Zoo has 10 of these scorpions, but they don't actually have names. Six of them were born from the zoo but the other four were from private breeders. The Asian Forest Scorpion, also known as Heterometrus, is one of the most popular pet scorpions.

Asian Forest Scorpions Size

Asian Forest Scorpions are normally 3.5 to 5 inches long. They have a pincer, 8 legs, and a long tail with a stinger at the tip. The female scorpions are bigger than males.

Asian Forest Scorpions Life Span

The life span of this animal is 7-8 years. They reach sexual maturity at about 4 years in the wild, though in captivity it can be closer to 1 year.

Asian Forest Scorpions Housing

They live in a vegetated or forested region. They can be in groups of three or four. They would live in a 2 and a half to 15 gallon tank. Their floor space is far more important than height. Babies could live in a clear plastic deli container with air holes. In the wild, they live on the surface under roots and logs, but they burrow sometimes as well.

Asian Forest Scorpions Food

Babies eat pinhead crickets. Adults eat crickets, or the occasional pinkie mouse. They also sometimes eat lizards or snakes. They will normally eat 2- 3 adult crickets a week. It is best to feed them at night.

Asian Forest Scorpions Lighting & Temperature Requirements

The temperature that they need would be 75- 90 degrees Fahrenheit. They have no positive requirement of lighting since they are nocturnal. They should have a heating mat with a temperature of 77 degrees Fahrenheit.

Asian Forest Scorpions Substrate

They need to have 3-4 inches of peat moss or potting soil.



Written by Mr. Barnes' Sixth Grade Class

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