Thursday, February 2, 2017

Leopard Gecko

Our Leopard Gecko

We have seven Leopard Geckos. Two are males and five are females. One of the females names is Suri (princess) and one of the males names is Clark. Suri was born at the zoo. Clark is 17 years old and was hatched in 2000 at a pet store.

Leopard Gecko Size

Adult females are 7-8 inches long, males are 8-10 inches long. 

Leopard Gecko Life Span

The average is 6-10 years old, but some males can live to be 10-20 years old. In the wild, they do not live as long because of predators and disease.

Leopard Gecko Housing

In the wild, they live in Southern Asia, Pakistan, and Northwest India.  In captivity, they need an aquarium that holds 10 to 20 gallons. This will house 1 or 2 geckos. It should be at least 1 feet tall.  They need a hide box filled with moist moss or paper so they can shed their skin.

Leopard Gecko Food

They eat insects, mealworms, crickets, and waxworks. They like things that wiggle and move so they like to eat live insects, not dead ones. Water should be provided at all times.

Leopard Gecko Lighting & Temperature Requirements

Temperature of the aquarium should be above 73 degrees Fahrenheit. In their hide box it should be 88 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Since they are nocturnal they do not need a UV light.

Leopard Gecko Substrate

Newspapers, pea gravel, artificial turf and flat stones. You should not use sand because young geckos might eat it and it can cause stomach problems. 


Written by First Graders at Muffley Elementary School

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