Friday, February 17, 2017

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Size

The size of a Madagascar hissing cockroach is about 2-3 inches long, one inch wide. They can even grow to the size of small mouse. 

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Life Span

They can live to be about 5 years old.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Housing

For their housing, you should have a 10 gallon glass tank, rubber storage tubes with ventilation holes, or a 5 gallon bucket with a well ventilated lid. It's recommended that you put a thick layer of petroleum jelly because a hissing cockroach can climb many things. The sticky barrier will prevent escapes.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Food

Madagascar hissing cockroaches are herbivores but they will eat decaying matter. In Madagascar, they are known to eat fruit.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Lighting & Temperature Requirements

No special lighting or heating is required. Any room that is at the temperature of between 70-85 degrees for hissing cockroaches that are any size will work.

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Substrate

For their bedding you can get coco soft and orchid bark, which are the two most popular choices. They need lots of places where they can climb and places were they can get away from each other. You can use cork flats or cork rounds for a more natural looking environment. Toilet paper and paper towel rolls are a good way to let them hide without it costing a lot of money.

References and other sources on Google.

Written by Mrs. Sweeney's Sixth Grade Class

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